How long will my new roof last?
The New Zealand building code states that non-structural roof coverings must last a minimum of 15 years, but your typical long-run metal roof should last in the region of 25 years, depending on a number of factors such as the proximity to the coast and environmental conditions.
Other key factors include proper building and roof system design, the quality of product materials used and their suitability to local conditions, proper application and installation from a professional roofing company that is a licensed building practitioner and of course adequate roof maintenance over the lifespan of your roof.
Roofing product manufacturers offer a variety of warranties on their products as well.
We can advise you on this so you can see what responsibilities and financial obligations manufacturers will assume if their products fail to reach their expected lives.

If you have any questions or need any advice, please call me personally. You can call me free on 0800 637 663 to discuss your roofing situation.
At Auckland Roofing Solutions we offer you a FREE no-obligation written quotation**, including advice on the most suitable products for your individual needs and application.
** Please Note: Roof quotations/estimates for the purpose of Real Estate negotiations or Bank Approvals are charged at $180.00 plus GST (eg. when the property is not yet owned or is on the market for sale).